10 Reasons You Should Start a Dog Blog Right Now!

Head on to our guide of 10 reasons you should start a dog blog!

There has been a huge growth in the past few years in blogging. 8 of the 10 internet users read a blog.

With the internet and mobile phones being so accessible, people are more likely to search for solutions on the internet than to seek the help of professionals. People love to read about things that are important to them. We all know how much people love their dogs (Statistics in the next section)!

Without further ado, here are 10 reasons you should start a dog blog.

Reasons You Should Start a Dog Blog

10 Reasons You Should Start a Dog Blog

You might think that I should not start a dog blog at all. I don’t know if my “dog blog” will be left unread and unnoticed. Well, that’s not the truth! According to the American Pet Products Association research, 63.4 million households in the US own a dog. ʻThe chances that your blog will be read also increase’ if there are more people who own a dog.

There are 10 valid reasons why you should start a dog blog. Of course, you may quick-start as soon as you are done reading our blog!

1. A Chance to Educate Pet Parents!

Chance to Educate Pet Parents

With dog blogs, you are writing on things and topics that really matter to dog lovers! So, with every new blog, you are educating a large group of people and pet lovers.

You can share ‘cute ideas to dress a dog’ or compile a list of ‘toys every dog must have.’ There is so much to write about, and you will never run out of topic!

Read More: The Best Orthopedic Dog Beds

2. Opportunity to Meet Like-Minded People!

When you write helpful content, like-minded people are going to praise you! I have had so many interactions and have met so many dog lovers since I began writing dog blogs.

Opportunity to Meet Like-Minded People

Not only, you get the opportunity to meet dog parents, but you will also feel satisfied and contented when you will hear their stories about how your pet blog helped them solve a problem. The comment section is just one place where you might develop friendships with those people. Apart from that, there are many conferences and seminars held for pet lovers.

Also Read: Best Dog Beds for Older Dogs

3. Your Precious Story Needs to Be Told!

With years of experience and owning a dog, you would have thousands of stories to share. Well, with a dog blog, you just found a place to share all those stories out there with the world of dog lovers.

You might have rescued a dog, tell that to the world and encourage them to do the same! Inspiring stories like these should never be kept to oneself.

Know More: Best Outdoor Dog Beds

4. Be an Advocate for Pets!

Be an Advocate for Pets

Once your voice is heard by people who are important to you, you will be able to write about issues and causes that are personal to you. Be it dog rescue, dog rights, dog abuse, or advocacy. With such topics, your dog blog will be a great platform to inspire other people.

As, dogs can not communicate, but with the right power, platform and knowledge, you can be their advocate!

Read | Best Indestructible Dog Beds

5. It’s Almost Free (With No Commitments)!

Yes, that’s true!

Starting a dog blog will cost you a lot less than any other pet business. It is almost free with so many blog site platforms to choose from.

Just find a blog site of your preference, set it up, and you are all set to start writing about dogs!

More Info | The 7 Best Dog Beds Made in the USA (2021 List)

6. You Will Learn New Things!

In educating others, you are going to increase your knowledge and learn new things too. With all the research behind every blog and meeting pet parents, you will have a hand full of information and stories you did not have before.

I know so much more today than I would have never known if it was not for dog blogging.

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7. Solve Real-Life Problems

Having a dog blog can be more rewarding than you can ever think of! You are not just writing random stories; you solve real-life problems that dog parents face every other day.

Isn’t it satisfactory to help people while working on something you love as well?

8. Passion and Love of Dogs

I genuinely believe that when you work on something you are passionate about or interested in, you will have an outcome that is par excellence! So, give a try to dog blog if you love dogs and see the results for yourself!

Thank Me Later!

9. You Are Your Own Boss!

This is my favorite one!

 You Are Your Own Boss

If you are someone who loves making their own decision instead of following what others tell you to do. Then this is the place where you can achieve that liberating and empowering feeling! The ability to work at your comfort and convenience is the best!

10. Let’s Earn Some Extra Ca$h!

Earn Some Extra Cash

Who doesn’t love some extra cash in their pocket? Head on to the trip that you always wanted to go but could not afford.

Once you are an expert in dog blogging with many followers and unique content, you will make a lot of money. Trust me on this! Some ways to generate that income are through training, workshops, ad networks, affiliate marketing, etc.!

Before We Go!

There are a lot of reasons why you should start a dog blog. I have just shared 10 of them!

Starting a dog blog will not require more than four months, and you do not even need to invest full time in this business. Dog blogs can help you earn $400 a month, instead of being a side project with low capital requirements.

With adequate research and patience, there is a long way for you to go!


  1. 10 amazing facts about dogs – PDSA
  2. How To Start A Pet Blog – TRUiC
  3. 5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting a Blog – Life Hack

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